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The Solution

We worked with a wide variety of USA tourist boards including Visit Florida, Visit California, Texas Tourism, Visit Tennessee and Visit Massachusetts, as well as airlines such as Virgin Atlantic, to partner on press and influencer trips. Connecting with topical trends and interests with different destinations to generate strong and engaging coverage with links.

We organised a brand partnership with Texas Tourism and Ed’s Easy Diner to offer a road trip holiday prize, promoted in-stores across the UK, online and via social media. We also created video content of a family road trip for use on Hertz social media channels.

As part of the ongoing development of the Road Trip Planner, we researched and suggested new, newsworthy routes, such as the Road to Civil Rights route, linked to the anniversary of Dr Martin Luther King.

The Results

We generated 76 online consumer articles with a PR value of over £2,000,000 and impressions of 1,000,000,000. We successfully launched the Road Trip Planner generating 37 articles covering the tool, which resulted in it rising to second place in Google rankings for ‘US Road Trip Planner’.


  • Brand Communications
  • Press Office
  • Media & Influencer Relations
  • Press Trips
  • Trend Monitoring
  • Tracking & Measurement

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Hertz PR Campaign