Visit Benidorm Crisis & Issues Management
To raise awareness of the measures HOSBEC (Hoteliers from Benidorm, the Costa Blanca and Valencia)was taking toaddress the growing trend for unfounded holiday sickness insurance claims.

The Solution
Reaching out to ABTA, we suggested a partnership to lobby the UK Government to address the issue. We wrote press releases and pitched the story to trade and consumer media to highlight hotels tightening up their procedures for recording incidents of sickness and taking legal action against false claims.
Communications strategy planning
Media relations: press releases, media sell-in and press office
Trend monitoring
The Results
We generated six press articles in high profile national consumer media and travel trade media, with a total reach of 3,500,00 impressions and six social media posts. The generated coverage helped ABTA lobby government and close the loopholes on European sickness claims.